Thursday, August 7, 2008

Word from Ethiopia

Another mom-to-be, Kim, in Southern California, has a daughter and son-to be in the same orphanage as Olivia and her daughter, Ruby, and Olivia are good friends. We have a plan to meet at Disneyland sometime after we all bring our children home. Kim did the sweetest thing. She made a map of California and put photos on it of where Olivia will live, where her children will live, and one other family that has daughters that Ruby and Olivia are close to! Then she sent them each a copy in a "care package" sent over with a family who is now in Ethiopia.

I got word this morning that she gave Olivia the map with photos...she said that Olivia is "very sweet, loved her gift from Kim, I also got a video of her!"

I can't wait to see the video and thank you Kim and Jaclyn.

As I read what Jacyln wrote about each of the children there, I just wanted to cry. In fact, I did. Hearing the names and anecdotes about each and every one of these precious children that have a mommy or daddy waiting for them, who is clinging to every word, soaking in every photo. Each child is so special, each are precious.

I think of our heavenly Father is looking down and seeing the list and names and words, and thinking,yes, that one, yes, she fits in with that family, yes, I am especially fond of him. Our God can love each and every one wholeheartedly, tremendously, individually, uniquely.

I just want to hop on a plane and hang out there. Bring my three kiddos and just let them play and I would help do laundry or change diapers or wipe runny noses, teach some English or read a book. I would sing a song, but I can't carry a tune. Would they hire me?

I am so grateful. I am just overwhelmed this morning with the love of this group of families that are adopting from Hope Place and the awesome eternity-affecting things they are doing.

ok..cyber-hug fest... I gotta go find the tissue box.

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