I made a "true media" presentation yesterday, which is a collection of photos of Olivia and Ethiopia put together with the song by Avalon, Orphans of God. I made it to perhaps be used at church in a couple weeks.
I wish I could show it here, but I cannot. If you want to see it privately, let me know. But until I pass court, I cannot post any photos of Olivia. And even after court, the presentation has some photos of other children yet to be adopted, so I cannot....
But each time I watch it my heart just aches, and tears roll down my face. Our God is so awesome. And these children so in need of His love and a loving family. It just overwhelms me. How one or two children (or more) so impact our family, enrich it, expand it, deepen it, make it...and yet there are so many many many more....in want of love and family...and so many many many families that have not even thought of expanding their arms and hearts....
The fields are white with harvest and the workers are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest that he would send workers......
open hearts, homes, arms, minds.....
Let it start with me.
4 years ago