Thursday, July 30, 2009
Pink Palms, Black Paws.....
Monday, July 27, 2009
Way up in North Ethiopia....
Someone asks: "What's the news with Olivia? (Mame)"
Today I answer: "Not good news"
- She is too old to be processed in the Addis Ababa courts as abandoned. (No one 8 years old or older will be processed as abandoned. How sad for children who are abandoned at that age.)
The uncle who relinquished her in Addis, is no where to be found after 8 months of waiting).
Her village, is way up North, closest city is Gondar. It cannot be reached during the rainy season. (Ends perhaps sometime in October).
The attorney left instructions and fees with someone (???) somewhere (???) to try to get the paperwork complete.
The local courts?? government?? police?? not sure, from Mame's village, area will need to verify that she is relinquished with a piece of paper... I think. I am so unclear. I don't know if an existing family member has to be found in her village, or if the local authorities have to attempt that, and then declare her abandoned, and since she is abandoned in her village and not Addis, then it is ok. I don't know.
What I do know is not to expect anything any time soon. And I highly doubt in 2009, but that may be my "upsetness" speaking.
I may wait a couple days and try to ask again, to understand. All I know is the attorney's trip did not get her the paper she desired. We cannot move forward at this time, and the rainy season is impacting it as well.
It is funny, odd funny, interesting funny, not ha ha funny. You can get so attached to a little girl, through pictures and written anecdotes, that she is YOURS in your heart. There is no way, even after 16 months of waiting, that you can just stop and walk away. I know some folks looking in might say, why not just go adopt someone else, who is ready (paperwise)....
But Mame is my children's sister....And I do not like the delays, (she doesn't either.. I was told today, she even asks the attorney at Hope, what is happening with her case)... but they are what they be endured.
And God knows this. I do not know the right timing, but He does. So I live with more delays.
That is what is happening with Mame.
(This photo was taken by a traveler in Simien National Park, right next to Gonder in the Amhara region, where Mame is from).
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Pray, pray , pray, pray, pray, pray......
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Have a cup of coffee in the valley...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Good news from a distant land...
Good news today from Ethiopia. Our agency said they just got word that the courts did take all the abandonment cases today, and will be issuing court dates for them soon. That it is possible that the courts may start hearing abandonment cases as early as this Thursday!!!